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Showing posts from September, 2013

How to Book Mr. Modi's Trichy Conference Ticket in Online ?

திருச்சி இளந்தென்றல் மாநாடு - செப்டம்பர் 26 - 2013... இந்தியாவிலேயே முதன் முறையாக இணைய தளம் மூலமாக ஒரு அரசியல் மாநாடு நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு முன்பதிவு செய்து நுழைவு சீட்டு பெரும் முறையை அறிமுகப்படுத்தி உள்ளது பாரதீய ஜனதா கட்சி... இணைய தளம் மூலமாக முன்பதிவு செய்ய மற்றும் மாநாடு குறித்த தகவல்களுக்கு : First time in India, a Political Party has been introduced the Online Booking system for Mr. Modi's conference which is going to be held in Trichy,  Tamil Nadu...  (Also known as Tiruchirappalli).The conference date is September 26, 2013... For Online reservation please click here:

Important Body Language Tips

12 Body Language Tips For Career Success:  When properly used, body language can be your key to greater success. It can help you develop positive business relationships, influence and motivate the people who report to you, improve productivity, bond with members of your team, and present your ideas with more impact. Here are a dozen tips for using body language to project confidence, credibility, and your personal brand of charisma: 1. Stand tall and take up space.  Power, status, and confidence are nonverbally displayed through the use of height and space. Keeping your posture erect, your shoulders back, and your head held high makes you look sure of yourself. If you stand you will look more powerful and assured to those who are seated. If you move around, the additional space you take up adds to that impression. If you are sitting, you can look more confident by putting both feet flat on the floor, widening your arms away from your body (or hooking one elbow on the ba